A Memorable Lunch

I love to cook. If you ask me why, I would probably tell you it’s the same reason I love to garden or I love to crochet. I love making things for myself. I love the extraordinary because ordinary is just so…boring.

However, getting to make my own meals is an opportunity that’s far and few in between as my mother doesn’t really allow me into my own kitchen. She’s worried I will make a mess in there. No, I do not make a mess in there. Okay, maybe a little but what’s cooking without a mess? Therefore, I usually had to wait until she’s gone to make something I want to eat. This memorable lunch was one of those times.

What is it?

It’s a ham omelet with a side of asparagus spears. It wasn’t exactly what I would call a lunch but it was what was in the fridge at the time.

Here were the ingredients:

  • Asparagus (how many is your choice)
  • 2 – 3 eggs
  • Spam (meat, not email)
  • Salt
  • Any cooking oil
  • Cooking Spray

I first cracked the eggs in a bowl, add a pinch of salt, and beat it like I would if I was making a scramble. Place it aside.

Cut away the ends of the asparagus spears and then into halves. Oh, and don’t forget to wash the asparagus before cooking.

I took the meat out of the can and cut away about a-third and saved the remaining two-thirds for later uses. Dice the meat into small chunks. The smaller, the better as it will be easier to fold into the omelet.

Add a few drizzles of oil in a pan on high heat and put in the asparagus before adding about a tablespoon of water and a pinch of salt. Immediately turn the heat to medium or medium-low and cover with lid, allowing the asparagus to steam for 5-10 minute or until fork tender.

In a skillet on high heat, allow the pan to heat before greasing the surface with cooking spray. When the pan is hot, add in the eggs. Turn the heat down to medium or medium low and allow the eggs to cook slowly, swirl the pan to let eggs in the middle pool to the side. Use a spatula to scrape the sides of the pan to make sure it’s not sticking.

When the sides of the egg begins to retract and curdle while the middle is still runny, add the spam on the bottom half of eggs, then using a spatula, fold the egg bilaterally. Cover the pan with a lid and allow the eggs for cook on low heat for 5-minutes. Plate and serve.

Originally posted on This is Another Story on March 26, 2015.

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