中秋节快乐!-Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Each year, this holiday occurs on different days, because it is based on the Lunar calendar which runs differently than the Gregorian Calendar. On this night, we feast in open air while admiring the oversized full moon, at least, that’s what I did when I was a child in China.

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I tried Intermittent Fasting and Why it didn’t work

I have been on many diets throughout my life – limited-calories diet, low fat diet, low sugar diet, and clean-eating-to-the-extreme diet – so intermittent fasting was just another diet to lose enough weight Continue reading “I tried Intermittent Fasting and Why it didn’t work”

Dinner’s Complicated? Think again

Have you always considered dinner to be the most complicated meal of the day? You’re not the only one. I have a headache when it come to what to eat for dinner, not just on particular nights but every night.  The fact is dinner can be complicated when you want it to be complicated but it isn’t complicated one bit.  All you need is some organizations during your spare time.  I know, we’re all working individuals, some of us juggle more than one job and not to mention kids.  So how can we have any time to spare? Well I’m here to offer some helpful tips. Continue reading “Dinner’s Complicated? Think again”

Coffee for the Caffeine-Sensitive

I have a sensitivity to caffeine. It doesn’t mean I am allergic to caffeine. It just mean I can’t really drink caffeine without getting a massive headache and dizzy spells. That’s why if I ever have to choose between a selection of sodas, I would always choose Sprite. Continue reading “Coffee for the Caffeine-Sensitive”

How to Fry Rice

I love fried rice. I love making it and I absolutely love to eat it. I can never get enough of it. Unfortunately, my mom doesn’t like fried rice though, she prefers the traditional steamed rice. On the other hand, I don’t really like steamed rice because of its bland taste. I like my food full of flavors, that is what makes a meal enjoyable. Continue reading “How to Fry Rice”